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发布时间: 2021-06-11 10:37:27

① "旗袍的"英语怎么翻译

单词是 cheongsam
词组 close-fitting Chinese dress with side vents

② 旗袍英文怎么说

chinses robe意译

③ 女士旗袍的英语怎么写

Ms cheongsam

④ 急急~用英语介绍旗袍

Qipao (Ch'ipau) is one of the most typical, traditional costumes for Chinese women. Also known as cheongsam, it is like a wonderful flower in the Chinese colorful fashion scene because of its particular charm.

In the early 17th century in North China, Nurhachi, a great political and military strategist, unified the various Nuzhen tribes and set up the Eight Banner System. Later he led his troops into Beijing and overthrew the Ming Dynasty. Over the years, a collarless tube-shaped gown was developed, which was worn by men and women. This is the embryo of the Qipao. It became popular among the royal palace of the Qing Dynasty and the mansions of the Manchu nobility. At that time, it was loosely fitted and long enough to reach the insteps. Usually it was made of silk, and embroidered, with broad laces trimmed at the collar, sleeves and edges. The dress empresses of past dynasties wore them. Their style of dress was regarded as the highest of standards for Chinese women for several thousand years.

The only medium to display the elegance of a human body is an elegant costume. Whatever costume a woman wears, in addition to magnificence and nobility, she must have a thirst for elegance or beauty. Perhaps that's the reason why Qipao was born.

In the past, the collar of the costume was made high and tight-fitting to keep warm. Qipao has incorporated this feature, not just for preventing coldness but also for beauty. The collar of Qipao generally takes the shape of a semicircle, its right and left sides being symmetrical, flattering the soft and slender neck of a woman. The collar of Qipao is meticulously made, especially the buttonhole loop on the collar, which serves as the finishing touch. We can't help but admire the designers' artistic originality. The design of the front of Qipao depicts the maturity of women properly, reminding people of the line of a Chinese poem 'A garden full of the beauty of spring can not be prevented from being enjoyed.'

Qipao generally has two big slits at either side of the hem for convenient movement and display of the slender legs of women. Unlike a short-length skirt, the slits of Qipao expose a woman's legs indistinctly when she walks, as if there was a blurred emotional appeal of 'enjoying flowers in mist.'

Qipaos can display Chinese women's modesty, softness and beauty. Like Chinese women's temperament, Qipaos are elegant and gentle.

Like other costumes, the beauty of Qipao comes first. Simplicity is one of its features from the collar, loop, chest, waist and hips to the lower hem, and a Qipao almost varies with a woman's figure. It not only lays stress on the natural beauty of a female figure, but also makes women's legs appear more slender. Mature women in Qipaos can display their graceful refined manner.

Besides its simplicity, Qipao provides designers with vast, creative space: some short, some long, with low, high, or even no collars at all.

Practicality always goes with beauty. Qipaos are worn in both urban and rural areas, its long-standing elegance and serenity making wearers fascinating.

When wearing Qipao, women should pay attention to the match as a whole; particularly middle-aged or elderly women should do so. Hairstyles, jewelry, socks and shoes should match Qipaos properly in color and design.

Today, with the development of the market economy in China, designs or styles of fashions are so dazzling as the stars that the eye cannot take them all in. As a result, people are often at a loss what to choose when facing the vast sea of fashions. On the other hand, it is just a golden opportunity for Chinese national costumes to regain their popularity. Fashion culture has become a point of intersection of social culture, reflecting economic developments, social progress and ecational level. It represents people's spirit, living standards and aspirations towards beauty.

⑤ 英语介绍旗袍

The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as well. By the early 19306, Chi-pao had been very popular. Cheongsam features strong national flavor and embodies beauty of Chinese traditional costume. The cotton cheongsams are selling well, especially the ones with the traditional Chinese patterns and characters.At the end of20s, with the influenced of occident, the style of cheongsam changed obviously. The cuff was reced graally, and embroidered border was not as broad as the previous one. Nowadays, Zhongshan Suit and Qipao have become the representatives of Chinese men and women clothing.

⑥ 英语旗袍的说法


⑦ 关于旗袍的英语短文

Cheongsam(中国旗袍)---makes a woman's life alegend

Ever heard anything of cheongsam? Maybe you have been greatly bewitchered by it when watching the movie In The Mood For Love! And maybe you have already owned an elegant cheongsam in your wardrobe!However, have you ever heard about that the cheongsam has the magic of making a woman"s life a legend? Really, it does! When you wear this traditional Chinese clothes, please always remember this--- Cheongsam, a female dress with distinctive Chinese features, is known to the whole world as a language that expresses the beauty of oriental women . The beauty of cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness.Cheongsam is not only a kind of representive traditional costume, but also a special language that only belongs to the Chinese women and a kind of expression and flavor. For all the reasons above, now cheongsam enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.

⑧ 旗袍气质用英语怎么说

Cheongsam temperament



旗袍 Cheongsam;EheonBsam;cheong-sam
越南旗袍 AO DAI;ao dai
长袖旗袍 long sleeve robe


⑨ 求关于旗袍的一切(最好有英语和汉语两种version)

时尚元素 By Selina


我一直认为, 但凡这世间喜爱旗袍的女子, 骨子里必须透着一种傲然, 一种对生活、对生命的傲然! 她们必然也是情趣雅致的人, 有着自成一格的对美的领悟和向往, 或者还有几分奢靡、几分虚荣、几分凌驾于尘事之上的超脱和梦想.

我之所以这么认为, 是因为我眼里的旗袍, 是时装之外的时装, 也是时尚之上的时尚, 既有寻常巷陌的平实与纯朴, 又有霓虹灯下的妖娆与香艳. 它是张爱玲笔下的精灵, 旋舞和托衬着一个又一个哀怨的魂灵; 它是游园里的惊艳, 在 “长河落日圆”的余晖中, 在吱吱呀呀的胡琴声里, 在晕黄的菱镜面前, 在古韵天成的弄堂深处, 呈现的是 “横看成岭侧成峰”的美与风情.

王家卫执导 <<花样年华>>时, 曾为女主角度身量制数十款旗袍, 搭配不同的画面和音乐, 营造人物不同的心境. 那些华美的衣裳, 至今还是媒体津津乐道的话题, 我却是不喜欢的, 大约因为衣服换得太勤, 作秀的痕迹便象是夜晚的白炽灯, 亮是亮得炫目, 却都刹那间从眼前掠过去了, 嚼不出滋味来. 倒是对好些年前王春主演<<雷雨>>中的一慕戏印象深刻, 那一刻的场景里, 晕黄的灯从屋子的斜侧打出来, 让立在漆亮钢琴前的女人的脸模糊成好看的剪影. 一袭及地的白色修腰旗袍裹在她的身上, 旗袍的前襟, 一大朵一大朵嫩黄色的菊花象泼墨的山水画一般、 沾着湿湿的水雾从右肩直泻下来, 呈S型流坠到下摆, 浓浓淡淡的颜色在雨夜里绽放得分外伤情. 那雨、那夜、那个抱肘倚窗的女人, 让人不由得生出几分怜惜来.

我是不是从那个时候开始醉心于旗袍的, 自己也不知道. 就好象喜欢一个人, 要准确地说出来那份喜欢始于何时? 总是不能够的, 为什么喜欢? 也讲不大清楚, 只是后来慢慢留意到所有关于旗袍的一切, 知道旗袍原是满人的服饰, 因有”八旗”之分才有 “旗袍”之说; 知道它始于清代, 最初由宫廷传入民间的时候,还是惯常嫔妃们常着的宽袍大袖, 后受欧美服饰的影响, 才逐渐改良成今天的款型; 做工考究的旗袍, 最难也最见功夫的是衣领、滚边和花扣. 技术娴熟的大师傅, 甚至精确到要测量你的腰节长度、大腿长度、小腿长度和胸高点, 以便在制作过程中扬长补拙. 近年来, 旗袍更被作为时尚界的一种元素, 运用到各种不同风格的服装设计中去, 在全世界广为流传.

我生平第一次订制旗袍, 是在3、4年以前, 当时有一个机会去上海, 突然便心血来潮想做一件旗袍, 也许潜意识里觉得旗袍是属于上海的, 属于那个灯红酒绿、歌舞升平的不夜之城. 铺子是朋友介绍的, 款式却是自己挑选的, 酒红色的软锻面料, 上面缀满同色但微微凸起的花纹,. 细致又别具一格的鸳鸯盘纽, 从酒红色光锻镶边的竖领上一路下来, 沿右肩直开到腋下, 肩部再以盘纽为界线, 另选了浅米色透点霞红的同款面料拼嵌而成, 两只紧紧相偎的同命鸟, 也因此着上了不同色块的外衣. 旗袍两侧的边叉也以酒红色光锻滚镶, 直开到大腿中部. 穿上细带的黑色尖头皮鞋, 看镜子里的自己, 忽然就有了些时光倒转的恍惚和征忡. 那时已经是十二月份的天气, 上海早已是寒意泌人, 踩在午夜外滩的石阶上, 静静的浦江水一如从前般滚滚东流, 街的对面, 同样是车如流水马如龙的辉煌和繁华. 时间, 在那一刻停滞得毫无痕迹.

有些过去, 注定我们无从追循, 只能在记忆的车河中游离. 但总有一些物事, 能够引领我们, 重拾旧日的温情. 就象旗袍, 追本溯源, 从满清入关至今天, 多少年过去了, 它一路风尘地走过来, 却毫无倦意, 除了拥有得天独厚的工艺和技术 (如丝纺、刺绣、手工等)以外, 谁说浓厚的民族底蕴不是它催化和衍生的温床?

⑩ 旗袍 英文简介

The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.
The name "cheongsam," meaning simply "long dress," entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province (Cantonese). In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as "qipao", which has a history behind it.

When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they organized certain people, mainly Manchus, into "banners" (qi) and called them "banner people" (qiren), which then became loosely the name of all Manchus. The Manchu women wore normally a one-piece dress which, likewise, came to be called "qipao" or "banner dress." Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.

Easy to slip on and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, collar closed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape.

The cheongsam is not too complicated to make. Nor does it call for too much material, for there are no accessories like belts, scarves, sashes or frills to go with it.

Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.


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