② 上海師范大學第二附屬中學的校服是怎樣的發個圖
③ (Ⅰ)今年3月,美國第一夫人米歇爾參觀北京師范大學第二附屬中學,眾多網友卻因該校同學們所穿的校服而
Ms. Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the US, visited The Second High School Attached to Beijing Normal University on March, 2014. To our surprise, quite a lot of e-pals began to argue with each other about the school uniforms they were wearing. Some e-pals agree to wear uniforms at school. First, school uniforms are good for students to take part in different activities, especially sports. Second, school uniforms are cheaper, and they can save our parents』 money a lot. The most important thing is that students don』t have to waste time to think what they should wear every day. It is good for their study. But some e-pals say that their school uniforms are too ugly. They have simple colors, and they are always too big for students. In my opinion, I agree to wear school uniforms at school. But we should improve the quality of the school uniforms. Only in this way would more and more students like to wear school uniforms at school in the future. ④ 北京師大附中的校服是什麼顏色的校園里大概是什麼樣子
秋冬 是深藍色加棗紅色 ⑤ 首師大二附中的校服是什麼樣還有要不要剪頭發 你要上那個學校嗎》我可以告訴你,那不用剪頭發,但校服挺好看的,是藍色的,沒有照片 ⑥ 這張圖里校服依次是長沙哪些中學的
第三個是田家炳,我母校啊,看到就懷念。第四個是明德;第五個是一中;第六個是長郡;第七個是雅禮;第八個是師大附中;第九個是周南;第十個是十一中; ⑦ 校服的校服文化 2013年5月,河北省正定一中為該校高一、高二學生發放了兩套一模一樣的夏季校服,有學生反映,該校服比較輕薄,材質為網眼布料,導致學生的內衣若隱若現,一些黑色、紅色等深顏色內衣更是可以看清楚顏色,這讓不少學生尤其是女生感覺十分尷尬。不少學生因為害羞,拒絕穿該校服上課。2013年5月21日,正定一中方面表示,該中學的校服出於穿著涼快的考慮,但透明度是在可以接受的范圍內。 ⑧ 首師大附中的 這屆的校服 是什麼樣子的啊 。。。貌似說很難看了 新高一的是灰色的…上面是黃條…新初一是深紫色…個人表示初見嚇一跳…新校服總是沒有老校服親切嘛…最喜歡紅校服…已經退出歷史舞台了… ⑨ 華師大二附中的校服什麼樣 非常遺憾地告訴您,每屆的校服都不一樣…… ⑩ 北師大二附中的校服怎麼這么丑 呵呵,比我們好多了,咱們校服是我們學校的拼音首字母,,t,x,y,z天下淫賊,,,表示壓力很大(而且那四個字母很大) 熱點內容