① 阿迪達斯品牌介紹
1949年8月18日以adidas AG名字登記。阿迪達斯原本由兩兄弟共同開設,在分道揚鑣後,阿道夫的哥哥魯道夫·達斯勒 開設了運動品牌puma。其經典廣告語:「沒有不可能」。2011年3月,斥資1.6億歐元啟用全新口號——adidas is all in(全傾全力)。
在運用三葉草標志十來年之後,也就是二十世紀八十年代末九十年代初期,阿迪達斯為了與耐克公司競爭,也為了提升本身的運動時尚感,再次將其品牌最早的三條紋重新改造應用到產品中,作為阿迪達斯最為大眾所熟知運動表現系列(adidas performance)。
1996年,在經歷了一次股權收購風波後,阿迪達斯重新啟用三葉草標志,並將其專門應用到旗下與運動表現系列相區別的為中高階層運動愛好者以及鞋迷們所量身打造的阿迪達斯傳統經典系列(adidas Original)。
至於adidas style標志則沒有很悠久的歷史,Y-3的Y代表Yohji Yamamoto,而3則代表adidas三條線的標志,是由世界頂級設計師山本耀司擔任創意總監與adidas合作的全新品牌。
② vivobrrefoot 是哪個國家的牌子
英國 Vivo Barefoot
Dopie是Terra Plana旗下品牌之一, Terra Plana原為英國一家專門設計和銷售男裝皮鞋的公司, 並在產品中注入了環保的概念。Galahad Clarks,是世界著名休閑品牌Clarks 的第7代傳人,由於非常喜歡Terra Plana 的環保概念,於2002年入主Terra Plana ,帶領一批年輕的設計師將原本單一的男裝鞋發展成擁有男鞋,女鞋,拖鞋,時尚配件等一系列產品線。
Terra Plana 是平地的意思, 就好像我們覺得地球是平的,而實際上並不是我們表面所認知的一樣。Terra Plana 的時尚設計理念也是這樣。 每雙乍看上去沒有什麼特殊的鞋子都包含著3個可持續的發展理念:
1. 21世紀的工藝,把傳統製鞋工藝和現代的技術和材質完美的結合起來;
2. 再循環。 Worn Again系列就是循環利用材質, 比如汽車的安全帶,自行車的輪胎,降落傘的帆布等等;
3. 崇尚光腳。當然既然是生產鞋子的,就不可能真的光腳, 但是Terra Plana 追求的就是在設計上和舒適上都感覺好像光腳一樣,不讓腳感到一點的壓力,同時也起到對腳的保護作用。
Terra Plana 公司旗下還有Terra Plana 和 Vivo Barefoot 等幾個系列品牌。 其中以Vivo Barefoot 最為受歡迎。 Vivo Barefoot 的底膠是採用環保材料製成,並秉承 Terra Plana 一向的原則: 材料輕從而不會為腳部增加更多的壓力; 鞋底薄,就像光腳走路一樣,適合人體科學; 結構要好,足夠對腳步形成保護, 最後是設計要美觀。
③ 3NITY里的Bucketfeet這個牌子如何
美國芝加哥潮鞋品牌Bucketfeet,相信Art is for everyone (藝術無限,人人皆享)。從創立之初,品牌便以「通過藝術連接所有人」為宗旨,向全世界的藝術家們敞開設計的大門。成立至今,Bucketfeet已與超過100個國家的20,000名藝術家合作,將多元化的藝術語言,帶入鞋履設計的世界。2016年春夏,Bucketfeet再次邀請著名DJ、插畫師、視覺藝術家、工業設計師、時裝設計師、音樂人等,為品牌注入新鮮的血液。全新春夏系列款式豐富,不僅延續了上一季的熱銷款,如由哥倫比亞藝術家DJ LU所創作的「菠蘿手雷」款,新銳藝術家們的設計,還為品牌呈現了全新視角。
④ 什麼牌子襪子好
⑤ beach feet是什麼品牌
澳大利亞品牌碧琪· 菲爾
⑥ Richard Branson(簡介)
Born in 1950, Richard Branson grew up in a traditional family and received his ecation at Stowe School, where he established a national magazine entitled Student at the age of sixteen.
He started a Student Advisory Centre at 17, aiming to help young people. At twenty years old, he founded Virgin as a mail order record retailer and a short while later, he opened a record shop in Oxford Street, London. In 1972, a recording studio was built in Oxfordshire where the first Virgin artist, Mike Oldfield, recorded "Tubular Bells", later released in 1973.
The first album of Virgin Records went on to sell more than five million copies. At the age of 27, Richard signed The Sex Pistols to the Virgin Records label after the group was turned down by every label in Great Britain.
Over the years, he signed many superstar names including Steve Winwood, Paula Abl, Belinda Carlisle, Genesis, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Simple Minds, The Human League, Bryan Ferry, Culture Club, Janet Jackson, and The Rolling Stones. As is evident, Branson managed to turn the Virgin Music Group into a giant success.
In 1992, the Virgin Music Group -- record labels, music publishing and recording studios -- was sold to Thorn EMI in a $1 billion US deal.
The interests of Virgin Group have since expanded into international "Megastore" music retailing, books and software publishing, film and video editing facilities, and clubs and hotels throughout 100 companies in 15 countries.
Virgin Atlantic Airways, started in 1984, is now the second largest British long haul international airline and operates a fleet of Boeing 747 aircrafts to New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Orlando, Boston, San Francisco, Washington, Dallas, and Tokyo.
The airline was founded on the concept of offering competitive and high quality first class and economy services. The airline holds many major airline awards and recently earned "Airline of the Year Award" for the third consecutive year.
In 1993, the combined sales of Virgin Group Companies exceeded $1 billion US. In addition to his own business activities, Branson is a trustee of several charities, including The Healthcare Foundation, a leading healthcare charity responsible for the launch of a health ecation campaign named Parents Against Tobacco, aiming to limit tobacco advertisements and sponsorships in sports.
Since 1985, Richard has actively engaged in his vocations and been involved in a number of record-breaking land and air speed and distance attempts.
In 1986, his boat, "Virgin Atlantic Challenger II," rekindled the spirit of the Blue Riband by crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the fastest recorded time ever.
One year later, the hot air balloon called the "Virgin Atlantic Flyer" was the first hot air balloon ever to cross the Atlantic Ocean, and was the largest ever flown at 2.3 million cubic feet capacity, reaching speeds in excess of 130 mph.
In 1991, Branson crossed the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Arctic Canada, the furthest distance of 6,700 miles, again breaking all existing records with speeds of up to 245 mph in a balloon measuring 2.6 million cubic feet.
Richard is currently in the midst of preparations to attempt a world-record setting, round-the-world hot air balloon crossing. The trip was scheled to commence from Marrakesh North Africa early in 1997.
Richard lives in London and Oxfordshire and is married with two children.
Quite a life isn't it?
⑦ 襪子什麼牌子的好
⑧ babyfeet這個是什麼意思
baby feet
⑨ 蘇格蘭服裝英語簡介
Kilts and Highland Dress The kilt is no longer the ordinary dress of the Highlander. However, up north around Inverness you'll find some old timers still wearing it. Otherwise the wearing of traditional dress tends to be confined to occasions of national ceremony, international sports matches, weddings etc, Highland Games or to Edinburgh guides desparartely hoping for a bigger tip. The kilt in its present form is known as the philibeg, from the Gaelic feileadh beag, and is a separate garment, made like a woman's skirt with the pleats sewn and pressed in. The older kilt (used until the C18) was called the feileadh mor, and was not a separate garment but a length of cloth (15 feet long) slung over the shoulder and gathered around the waist by a belt. This garment was popularly called a plaide, Gaelic for blanket, which is where our word plaid comes from. later, the kilt became the separate skirt-like garment familiar today. The tartan trousers you sometimes see are known as trews. The other elements of traditional Scottish highland dress are the sporran (a pouch made of badger's skin), the bonnet with eagle's feathers mentioned above and the dirk or dagger. It is an eternal mystery never to be solved what the Scotsman wears underneath his kilt.