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『壹』 急!!跪求4部好的獲奧斯卡獎的電影的介紹,謝謝各位了

In 1985, the "Titanic" remains of the shipwreck was found. American explorer Lovett saw in the cabin of a painting, 102-year-old Rose claims she is the painting of the girls, Rose started describing the story of her year. April 10, 1912, referred to as "the history of the world's instrial miracle" of the "Titanic" starting from Southampton in Britain heading for New York, USA. Rich girl Rose and her mother and fiance Karl on board together, the other side of unruly teenagers painter Jack against the pier of a gamble to win the ticketsRose do not want to marry Carl, intends to throw themselves into the sea and drown, was clinging to Jack. Fast, beautiful and handsome Rose lively cheerful love of Jack. Tragic tragedy, the Titanic collided with the iceberg. Jack the chance of survival to give the wife Rose, their own in the Ice was frozen to death. Rose finished this love after that valuable jewelry into the sea, it accompanied Jack and this love buried seabed.
Princess of a country as ambassador to Italy, lost and lonely, quietly slipped out of palaces, even to the night street, was a newspaper reporter back home, stay overnight. The second day, the reporter found that the newspaper published a princess accident illness, the abolition of all foreign affairs activities,felt wrong careful look, even feel their own live-in girl last night with the princess is quite similar, but at other times would like to take this opportunity to wind scoop 。Then play around with the girls, ring which caused a lot of, but to take this opportunity to let a friend videotaping under the Princess chao. At the same time, the country also sent a large number of troops, everywhere searching the whereabouts of the princess.Two men meet from time to time, have been cleverly evade reporters. One day later, the princess finally back, and the two don't want to be seprate, only to find there has been a feeling, after all, she is a Princess, after all, civilians are civilians. Finally the press conference, the two words with double meaning in order to show that bid farewell to those furtive photos become the best gift.
一個美國南北戰爭時代軍人家庭中的3個兒子:艾佛(艾登·奎因飾)、泰斯坦(布萊德·彼特飾)、森姆(亨利·托馬斯飾)。共同愛上了一個女人。蘇珊娜(朱莉姬·奧蒙德飾)。3個有志青年一同參加了第一次世界大戰。立志成為保衛英國和「所擁有的一切」的英雄,在對德戰爭中森姆陣亡,艾佛受傷、泰斯坦卻產生了無盡的失落與迷惘。戰爭結束後,戰爭的結果沒有對他們二人的生活和理想產生任何作用、他們又在老爸目光的注視下開始了新的奮斗。艾佛聰明老練。靠經營生意逐漸成為著名的瘸腿國會議員。並最後娶到了蘇珊娜。泰斯坦則拋下家族雲游四方。足跡遍及各大洲各大洋;追逐他從小就萌動的獵人夢。但最後,他終於回到了家鄉,回到老父身邊。承擔起一切責任。一個在軍人和獵人教育下長大的青年泰斯坦,從小就曾切下—只大狗熊的腳趾、在那場與狗熊的搏殺中、他的血與熊的血溶在一起,從此,一種偉大的征服欲左右著他的一切。他因此比哥哥艾佛和弟弟森姆都強壯。因此他大膽愛上了本來屬於弟弟的情人蘇珊娜,那是個風姿綽約、性感熱情的女人,泰斯坦一生只愛這個女人,但戰爭的打擊讓他失去了她。為了保衛兄弟,他被迫參加了第一次世界大戰,他是大罵著「狗屁」殺死德國人的,也是罵著「狗屁」把戰死的弟弟的心臟帶回了家——在印第安獵人傳統里,心臟帶著人的靈魂。戰爭之痛讓泰斯坦少年即長成的野性爆發,讓他放棄了愛情而投身探險,他終於在非洲的原始部落里實現了他的獵人夢。之後為了家族他回到西部,娶了那位宿命中註定的小女孩依莎貝二世為妻。 在青年夢想歸於平寂之後,泰斯坦本來想為中風的老父重振家族,但這時虛偽的社會又在抑制他的發展,於是泰斯坦的野性又一次進發,這一次他犧牲了妻子,也犧牲了夢想,家族沒有復興,1963年,老泰斯坦終於被那隻早年就與他結下仇怨和緣份的狗熊帶走了。
A Civil War era American servicemen in the family three sons: Alford ,泰斯坦(Brad Pitt played), Sam (Henry Thomas Berry). Common fell in love with a woman. Susannah (Julia Ormond Kyi ornaments). Three young people take part in the First World War together. Aspire to be the defense of the United Kingdom and the "owned by all the" heroes of the war in Germany Sam killed, injured, Eng,泰斯坦has resulted in untold loss and confusion. After the war, the outcome of the war the two of them are not the ideal life and to have any role。
They are also under the watchful eyes of their father's eyes started a new struggle. Alford sophisticated smart. Rely on the business has graally become well-known members of Congress lame. And finally the married Susanna. Family travel far and wide, while throwing泰斯坦Quartet. Footprint on every continent oceans; chased him from a young age Germinating hunters dream. But in the end, he finally returned to his hometown and returned to her father. Assume all the responsibility. A hunter ecation in the military and the youth have grown up泰斯坦, was cut from an early age - only the big bear's toes, in that the fight with the bear, he bears the blood and the blood dissolved together, then, a For great conquest all around him.Since then, a great want to conquer all around him.The old brother than him and his brother Sam are strong. Therefore, he fell in love with something that rightfully belonged to bold brother's lover Suzanne, that was a graceful charm, warm and sexy woman,泰斯坦lifetime love this woman, but the war against so that he lost her. In order to defend the brothers, he was forced to take part in the First World War, he was the scolding he got from the "shit" to kill the Germans, but also said "shit" to his younger brother died of heart back to home - in the Indian hunters tradition, the heart with a human soul.Let the pain of war that is grown into juvenile泰斯坦wild outbreak, let him give up the love and join the expedition, he finally primitive tribe in Africa where hunters realize his dream. For the family after he returned to the west, married a man predestined places little girl marry Isabel II. Ping attributed to the young dream of silence after the stroke泰斯坦originally wanted to revive the family of father, but this hypocritical society in inhibiting the development of him, so the wild泰斯坦moving again, this time he sacrificed his wife, but also the expense of the dream, the family no revival。 in 1963,The old泰斯坦was finally forged his early years with him and the fate of the bear memory away.
1861年南北戰爭爆發的前夕,塔拉庄園的千金小姐郝思嘉愛上了另一庄園主的兒子艾希利,但艾希利卻選擇了郝思嘉的表妹——溫柔善良的韓媚蘭為終身伴侶。郝思嘉出於妒恨,搶先嫁給了韓媚蘭的弟弟查爾斯。不久,美國南北戰爭爆發了。艾希利和查爾斯作為徵兵上了前線。查爾斯很快就在戰爭中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡婦, 但她內心卻一直熱戀著艾希利。








GONE WITH THE WIND is a love story which took place ring the American Civil War. The main character is Scarlett, whose father owned a big plantation called Tara in the southern state of Georgia. She fell in love with Ashley, but he loved his cousin Melanie and married her. Scarlett first married Charles and unfortunately he died in the war. Scarlett became a widow. When the war ended, life was really hard for her family and Scarlett took charge of the whole family. Later she married Frank who was shot to death and she became a widow again.

The third time she married Rhett Butler, a businessman, and they had a baby girl called Bangni. Bangni unexpectedly died from a fall because of an accident. After a series of events, Scarlett finally came to understand that what she really needed was Rhett Butler. Because there were some misunderstandings between them, Rhett Butler could no longer trust her and he was determined to leave Scarlett.
The film describes her bitter life experience. Scarlett looked forward to the arrival of a better tomorrow.

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